Trim "Hot-Air-Ballon-Fiesta" 2012

Volker and Christian visited the Ballon-Fiesta in Trim (Irland, 60 km Northwest of Dublin) from 6th to 9th of April. We get the contact, because of Andrew Beattie was there before and provided to bring the NoLimit-Team to Ireland. That was the second time a part of the team visited Ireland, bacause in 2009 a small group was on the Dublin Kite Festival.
The flight to the destination of Dublin is perfect, because there is a very good range to use the buses to reach Trim within only one hour. (Ok, we just made a small visit in Arklow to join the nice lanscape along the coast.)
Cause of the Hot Air Ballon Fiesta, there were a first meeting on friday evening to check the wind and weather conditions for the Ester Weekend. But in generally...there was not a good forecast neither for the "Balloner" nor for the Kite. And so, we had the whole weekend gusty wind and the Monday was rainy. Cause we pack our stuff up to the 23 kg limits of the airlines, we cannot risk, to get the kite wet, bacause of the weight.
On Saturday we had the chance to fly our kites a bit and on Sunday the Count flew nearly the half of the day. On Saturday evening we were guest of an amazing ballon glow with laser and smoke effects.

The flying area was a big field on a small hump with a castle in the direct neighborhood. The pictures you can see below.
We had a very good support from our new Irland Kite Friends Mike & Dianne, Mic and Chris.
We hope to visit the next Fiesta in Trim and we hope for the Balloner, that there will be the possibility to fly. This festival is well know, that especially character ballons are invited. For example there was a Smurf, a Darth Vader Mask, a Chick and several other giant Ballons. There was an interesting exchange between the Balloners and Kiters.
A Fiesta, you should visit!
Thanks a lot to Pauline and Malcom for the great organisation of the Hot Air Ballon Fiesta in Trim 2012. Everything was perfekt. Hope to see you again the next year.
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