Kuwait vom 20. - 23.02.2010

Volker attended for one week the Al -Farsih Kites Team Festivall. This is a small, but very nice meeting of a few kite fliers and the Al-Farsih family including friends.
Arrival in Kuwait was for Volker at the 13th of Febraury. Further particpants of the festival are Team Avita and Gerard Clement from France, Achim and Rolf Zimmermann from Germany, Dave Hoggan
from USA, Craig Hanson and Peter Lynn from New Zealand.
Together with Kathleen and Andrew Beatty from UK we enjoyed the hospitality of Kuwait. Temperatures were between 25 and 30°C and the wind was mostly very pleasant. The flying field was in a
desert like place between the beach road and a highway, heading to Saudi Arabia. To prevent dust, the place was humidified with around 15 truckloads of water. The water helped also the few small
plants in the rough environment to have some nice days.
Together with the Al-Farsih Kite Team, we launched an impressive display of kites. Thanks to the perfect anchors (mainly 4x4 vehicles) we could very easy adapt to wind shifts, although
those were rare. The meals at the kitefield have been excellent and also the tea time in the afternoon prevented every possibility to starve.
Besides we went in the free time, in the morning, to the souq to get an impression of the big differences in Kuwait City. Between high-rises and shopping centres, expensive cars etc, there is
still place for traditional markets for food, spices and the big fish market. Unfortunately, we were a bit late for fish market and could only enjoy the perfumed breeze as a leftover of the
One week later, the country celebrated the National Day. You could see products in the national colors everywhere Flags, shirts, hats, wigs, toys, … And all in green-red-white-black.
To describe it in one sentence: An excellent kite festival and interesting city.